
Commitment 9: Continent

In order to respond to mankind’s rapid growth from 3 to 6 to 9 billion people by 2050, it has become clear to many people that we need an administrative layer for each of the World’s continents.

The boundaries for some continents are obvious whilst the affiliation of some countries to particular continents needs to be discussed. Today people seem to feel they belong to the following eight continents: Africa, Australasia, Europe, North and South America, North/South and Western Asia.

9.1 A number of continents already have regular meetings of the countries involved. This now needs to be formalised globally, with each continent agreeing to a UCE (see Commitment 10) charter for continent-wide co-operation to resolve the internal issues of that continent.

9.2 Each continent will protect and enhance the unique natural features and biodiversity of its area.

9.3 Each continent will monitor control and reduce the pollution of the air, water and soil of each country on that continent.

9.4 Each continent will endeavour to recycle its natural resources for the benefit of all its countries.

9.5 Each continent will rapidly adopt a policy of using only renewable and reusable natural resources.

9.6 Each continent will encourage the production and distribute of food across its countries to prevent famine and starvation amongst its people.

9.7 Each continent will monitor and encourage the transfer from non-renewable energy to fully renewable green energy sources in less than three generations.

9.8 Each continent will develop and encourage a network of rail, canal, river and coastal transport to reduce road and air travel.

9.9 Each continent will financially support its own countries on an ethical fair trade basis assisted by the UCE.

9.10 Each continent will promote the unique qualities, crafts and skills of its people in all aspects of sport, art, music, dance, theatre, commerce etc.

In 1969 mankind successfully travelled to the Moon and back.


The economic miracle will end soon because the environment can no longer keep pace. Pan Yue.

I think there is increasing recognition of how peace, democracy and the environment are all interlinked. Wangari Maathai.

© 2005 David Rhodes
All rights reserved.

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