
Commitment 10: Mankind

In 1945 the United Nations was formed initially to coordinate the acute problems faced by humanity after the Second World War.

Over the last 60 years the UN has been mankind’s most successful means of resolving inter country problems on a global basis. This success was achieved despite the fact that its staff had a limited budget. Now, with the growth in global population, the development of technology, globalisation of commerce and trade and the desire of each person on planet Earth to improve their life style, there is an urgent need for radical reform and long-term vision/inspiration for humanity at the UN.

On the basis that each continent should develop its own organisation, to resolve its internal issues, the UN will then be able to concentrate on issues that arise between continents. In addition, there are quite a number of global issues that the UN should tackle in relation to our atmosphere, oceans and inter-continental problems.

Ideally, the United Nations might be renamed the United Continents of Earth - the UCE. The UCE would take on a dynamic new role as a globally inspiring, independent, constructive, creative and visionary organisation.1.1 I will endeavour to: live by the UN Declaration of Human Rights.

10.1 The UN to negotiate with all nations to agree the appropriate boundaries and number of united continents and then establish the United Continents of Earth (UCE).

10.2 The UCE to agree a “charter for continental coordination” with each country.

10.3 The UCE, in representing mankind, will promote and protect the beauty of our Earth, in particular its atmosphere, oceans, and Arctic and Antarctic regions, and halt the predicted 6 extinction of Earth’s life system.

10.4 The UCE will fully recognise the finite resources of our planet and work with all continents to conserve and sustain the natural renewable resources of the Earth.

10.5 The UCE will work with each continent to abolish famine, starvation, drought and poverty from all corners of the Earth.

10.6 The Olympics to always be at Olympia on the 5 and 10 year of each decade. The UCE will work with all relevant organisations to coordinate the sporting activities of humanity. This will eliminate the wasteful bidding that occurs between countries and continents for the Olympics, World Cup, etc. (see Target Timetable in rear cover).

10.7 The UCE will negotiate to coordinate all Expo’s/World Fairs etc to cover Culture, Agriculture, Medicine, Technology, Trade, Science, Biodiversity, Education etc holding one Expo per year on a different Continent in rotation each decade.

10.8 The UCE will negotiate for Formula One Racing to be based on biofuel and reuseable materials to inspire all motorists to convert to renewable energy.

10.9 The UCE will coordinate for the good of mankind all the global communication and information systems, on Earth and via satellite.

10.10 The UCE will update the UN Charter for the good of all people, every continent and the finite eco-system of our Planet Earth

Since 1950 our population on Earth has doubled from 3 to 6 billion
and is due to increase to at least 9 billion by 2050.

If the United Nations is to be a useful instrument for its Member States and for the world's people …it must be fully adapted to the needs and circumstances of the twenty-first century.
Kofi Annan. 2005

© 2005 David Rhodes
All rights reserved.


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